October 13-October 15, 2000



The conference honors Richard Nelson's scholarly career and research contributions. The "Nelson Fest" will take place at Columbia University in New York City, beginning with dinner on Friday, October 13 and extending through noon on Sunday, October 15, 2000. The conference will feature sessions with paper presentations on six themes consonant with Richard Nelson's longstanding interests, including: the economics of technical change and economic growth; evolutionary perspectives on industrial organization; policy and technology; the institutions of progress; evolution, organizations and strategy; and comparative studies of national economies and innovation systems. There will also be other talks, including Sid Winter's address, "The Evolution of Dick Nelson", Bengt Ake-Lundvall's presentation on Richard Nelson's influence on European Technology Policy, a lot of informal interaction, and a special Saturday evening panel, chaired by Richard Levin, on Richard Nelson's influence as a scholar, teacher, friend and colleague.

Richard R. Nelson

The George Blumenthal Professor of International and Public Affairs, Business, and Law at Columbia University

All out-of-town participants will be staying at the Mayflower Hotel on the Park, 15 Central Park West, corner of 61st Street and Central Park West. All reservations at the Mayflower Hotel are already guaranteed by Columbia University. The phone for the hotel is: 212-265-0060. Click here for more detailed hotel information.  

The conference will begin Friday evening with a reception and dinner at the Terrace in the Sky Restaurant, 400 W. 119th Street, between Amsterdam Ave and Morning Drive (Phone: 212-666-9490). For directions click here.

The event is made possible by Columbia University (principal sponsor and host), Yale University, the Reginald H. Jones Center of the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvannia, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.